Debra Wiesner

(Board Treasurer )

I am blessed to have a 15 year-old daughter.  We enjoy spending time volunteering in the community and going to arcades and amusement parks.  We share our home with our black lab, Georgie Girl, a brand new ChiWeenie named Otis, the man of the house – Taco Cat, and 2 hens named Stella and Eleanor.  I believe I am a good fit to serve on the board for Counting Stars based on my own lived experience. My daughter was born with a gestational brain injury and a mild form of CP. She struggles with her mental and emotional health issues and has an Intellectual Disability. I am most looking forward to spreading the word in my role.  So many parents misunderstand their role in developing education plans or IEPs.  To truly be an advocate for your child, you have to ensure that you are holding your child’s school system accountable for their responsibilities to your child as provided by state law. That is the message I want to share with families who are on an IEP journey.

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